Sweetest Heart of Mary cemetery

Sweetest Heart of Mary cemetery aka Greenwood is a treasure of Detroit’s Polish community. I’m so glad to see folks working to preserve the heritage of our hard-working ancestors. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Sexton Duane Anders for the hours toiling under a broiling midsummer sun to help us find the grave of Jan Dych. Though we never did find Jan’s wife, Catharine Biscup Dych’s grave, nor the site of his daughter, Michalina Dych Lasecki’s final resting place, I am feeling slightly confident that, with the help from Wayne State U., most of the graves will eventually be found.

Here are the videos. Again thanks to cousin Jann (you da’ best!!!) for bringing these to my attention, for the information they provide about the church and cemetery, as well as the incredibly dedicated souls who are unearthing and compiling the records.

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