Lasecki Land!
As I was researching Wagrowiec in Wielpolska, the area north of Poznan where the Laseckis (Dychs, Rozmarynowskas, Nowaks are from, I stumbled upon the absolutely gorgeous video from the folk group, Zgagafari which captures the essence so well. I love the music, though I have no idea what the song is about….do you? Hope you…
Lasecki Land, day two
The second day we headed straight to the Pila ( north of Grylewo) civil archives.We lunched at a beautiful resort on Lake Chodzieskie, then visited Czsezewo (the main Lasecki town), and returned to Grylewo before heading back to the hotel. Please check out the map on Lasecki Land, day one if you are wondering exactly where we were. And if…
Lasecki Land, day one
With the help of our wild, fearless driver and founder of the Poznan Project, Lukasz (pronounce that Wu kash), Rebecca, and I were able to track down and visit the relevant villages of the ancestors of Walter Lasecki (pronounce Wah set ski) during three days in June 2012. I wrote a small piece describing a…
Polish surnames
The Poles add endings sort of at will to last names….so the root of the name is LASEK….but at some point the peasants wanted to sound more noble, so they added the “ski” like the rich folks, making it now Lasecki. Another ending is indicated with Josephine Garbaczyk’s name spelled as Garbacz on her wedding…
The Family of Szymon Biscup and Zofia Zamorska
What I have found about my Great-Great-Great Grandparents is that Szymon BISKUP was born about 1811, had possible siblings Peter (Francisca Mariaszek) and Julianna, and was a Famulus or servant. He’s also listed as a cameranius, which was a groom, valet, or chamberlain. Szymon died on 4 Oct.1867 in Hub.Laskownica. Zofia was born in 1814 (I’ve…
Wojciech Dych and Francisca Nowak
Wojiech, whose name is synomous with Adelbert, and would be called George in America, was born 20 March, 1802 in Rybowo village in Grylewo Parish to Antony Dich and Anna Torpoteslisch (sp). The record is a bit hard to read, but you get the gyst. Looks like he was baptised the next day with the…
Sweetest Heart of Mary cemetery
Sweetest Heart of Mary cemetery aka Greenwood is a treasure of Detroit’s Polish community. I’m so glad to see folks working to preserve the heritage of our hard-working ancestors. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Sexton Duane Anders for the hours toiling under a broiling midsummer sun to help us find the grave…
The short life of Catharina BISCUP DYCH
Catharina BISCUP DYCH ~ GreatGreat Grandmother Catharina was born 10 April 1846 in Łęgowo, Wagrowiec, area of then, West Prussia to Szymon Biscup and Zophia Zamorska. We don’t know much about her early life, but we know that she married Jan Dych from a neighboring village of Danaborz, abt. 1867 when she was abt. 21. She and Jan…
Jan Dych
JAN DYCH ~ Helen’s Great Great Great Grandfather Note: I don’t know anything personal about my third great grandfather, so I am culling from research here. I’d like to thank Grazyna from GuidingPoland.com for some preliminary research as well as Lukasz Bielecki from the Poznan Project for being our genealogical guide on our 2012 foray…
Michalina Dych Lasecki
MICHALINA (DYCH) LASECKI Michalina was the 54 girl born in the village of Danaborz in Grylewo parish, in Wielpolska, Poland, or PRUSSIA as it was then under German jurisdiction. She came into this world on 17 Oct 1872 at noon. Her parents were Jan Dych, a farmer and Catherine Biscup. Her godparents were Joseph Slabosiewski and Francisca…
Josephine “Jozefa” Garbaczyk
JOSEPHINE GARBACZYK Jozefa was born 1876 in Glinik Polski, (near Jaslo). Galicia to Marcin Garbacik and Theresa Grochowska. But we have not found her birth record yet. 2016 NOTE: When Rebecca and I visited in 2012, we enjoyed a lovely time with our Kapala cousins, who now live on the farm where Josephine was born…
Wanting Poland, a poem
by carolyn kieber grady stirred by a rhythm of wheels on rails mesmerized by flashes of Poland before the euro land of family farms one or two dairy cows tied down with chain and stake fenced plots in community gardens left by Soviet workers flowering lilies lavender lungwort violets run-down stations poppies punctuating weeds little…
MATEUSZ aka MAX MORANIEC Max was born 14 Sep 1841 in House #15 Bobrowa, Debica to Adelbert Moraniec and Margaretha Wojtovicz. This was the same house his father was born in, his grandfather lived in, and his children would come to life in as well. The midwife was Agnes Janora. The godparents were Martin Wojtovicz…
The Mystery of the Ring
The Mystery of the Ring Ring from Walter….Possibly it came via Anthony from Prussia.??? Would you care to offer your thoughts in the comment section below? Related posts: Antoni Lasecki Helen Moraniec Lasecki Łasecki Francisca Rozmarynowska Łasecki Dunkirk NY and Wisconsin Laseckis Michalina Dych Lasecki WELCOME HOME! Witaj w Domu! Descendents of Andrej Lasecki &…
Walter (Władysław) Casimir Łasecki
Walter (Władysława) Casimir Łasecki Son of Anthony Łasecki & Michalina Dych, born 18 Sep 1894 Detroit, MI. Where his parents had been living with his paternal grandmother. Godparents were?? The 1900 Census lists Walter as 5 years old living at 119 Superior Street in a mortgaged home in Ward 3 District 30, Detroit, with his father,…
Francisca Rozmarynowska Łasecki
FRANCISCA “Francis” ROZMARYNOWSKA Łasecki (Walter Lasecki’s grandmother, the immigrant Francis) Born at 7 am 4 Aug 1825 the village of Lekno (near Wagrowiec), and baptised 24 Aug in Sts. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic church. Her father, my third great grandfather, Wojiech Rozmarynowska, was a cobbler from Lekno, and her mother, my third great grandmother, was…
Descendents of Andrej Lasecki & Franciska Rozmarynowska
Descendants of Andrej Lasecki & Francis Rozmarynowska Andrej Lasecki b.abt.1821, probably in Cseszewo to my 3rd Great-Grandparents, Martin Lasecki and Franciska Szymanska (sp uncertain). His parents married 1817 in Legowo, making Andrej one of their eldest. He was a day-laborer or a servant at various times. I surmise that since he moved so often, he owned…
Descendants of Wojciech Garbaczyk and Lena Skora
Descendants of Wojciech (aka George or Adelbert) Garbacik b.30 Mar 1830 in House 4 Glinik Polski to Sebastien Garbacik and Marianna Garbacik and Helena (aka Lena Skora) b. 1843 to Michael Skora and Catherine Skwarlo. These are Jozefa Garbaczyk‘s parents…..Helen Moraniec Lasecki’s grandparents….Priscilla’s great-grandparents Please read about the origins of the Garbaciks in Glinik Polski. All…
Antoni Lasecki
ANTHONY “Anton” LASECKI Antoni was born 11 May 1866 in Grylewo Parish (near Wagrowiec and Poznan) Poland. Baptized at St. Catherine’s in Grylewo on the 14th, his godparents were Jan Lemanski and Teofilia Gertych. He was most likely the last of the 7 children born to Andrej Lasecki (pronounced Wasetski), a farmer, and Francisca Rozmarynowska…
Big Joe Moraniec
BIG JOE MORANIEC JOSEPH MORANIEC aka “BIG JOE” Jozef was born 20 Nov 1868 to Matheus (Max) Moraniec and Katarzyna Lipa in House#15, in the village of Bobrowa, Galicia, part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He was the eldest of the couples’ four children and the only one to survive into adulthood. Sister Barbara was born…
Family of Marcin Lipa and Barbara Janora
Family of MARCIN LIPA & BARBARA JANORA (Big Joe’s Grandparents) Marcin, aka Martin Lipa was born on 12 Oct 1817 in House #14 Bobrowa to Jacob Lipa and Agnes Golembiowska aka Golemo. Barbara Janora was baptized on 2 Dec 1821 in House 71 Bobrowa to Szymon Janora and Teresa Gil. Martin and Barbara had twelve…