Origin of Moraniec family
Though we don’t exactly know the etymology of the Moraniec name ((pronounced Mor-an-yitz and spelled in the Latin records Moranice), Sue’s Polish language teacher, Beata, has told us that the name means “one from the border,” perhaps implying that the Moraniecs originated from Russia, Czech, or Slovakia? Iwona agreed that it most likely did not…
Moraniec FB Group
If you think you may be related, you may wish to check out the new Moraniec FaceBook group begun by Dana Moraniec in Connecticut. Here is a post by Sue Prusinski: My mom, Priscilla, said that it was her grandfather that owned the dairy store and she remembers her mom (Helen)telling her stories about carrying…
Hello cousins–this is our site!
The header photo was chosen from the travel collection of Rebecca and Carolyn when they visited Sue in Poland in 2007. It was taken from the window of a train – somewhere – in Poland. The trees have been coppiced, which is a practice that extends back at least into the Medieval times when folks…