Descendents of Wojiech Garbacik and Marianna Lopatkiewicz
This is a work in progress of four generations. Please inform me of any mistakes, or additions that you know of. I already see a mistake in one line….oy! I am publishing it anyway because you can get the idea at least. Once I get this staightened out, it would be nice to have Wojuec’s…
The Garbacik- Moraniec – Biedron Connection
Here’s the connection as we know it today: Tomasz Grochowski marrries Marianna Garbacik b. abt. 1830- 1840. They have a daughter, Theresa Grochowski b. abt. 1857 -1862 (different records list different birth dates). in Glinik Polski. Teresa marries Marcin Garbacik son of Antoni and Sophia Faber. We have no ther information about Marcin. Teresa marries…
Josephine “Jozefa” Garbaczyk
JOSEPHINE GARBACZYK Jozefa was born 1876 in Glinik Polski, (near Jaslo). Galicia to Marcin Garbacik and Theresa Grochowska. But we have not found her birth record yet. 2016 NOTE: When Rebecca and I visited in 2012, we enjoyed a lovely time with our Kapala cousins, who now live on the farm where Josephine was born…