The Family of Szymon Biscup and Zofia Zamorska
What I have found about my Great-Great-Great Grandparents is that Szymon BISKUP was born about 1811, had possible siblings Peter (Francisca Mariaszek) and Julianna, and was a Famulus or servant. He’s also listed as a cameranius, which was a groom, valet, or chamberlain. Szymon died on 4 Oct.1867 in Hub.Laskownica. Zofia was born in 1814 (I’ve…
Wojciech Dych and Francisca Nowak
Wojiech, whose name is synomous with Adelbert, and would be called George in America, was born 20 March, 1802 in Rybowo village in Grylewo Parish to Antony Dich and Anna Torpoteslisch (sp). The record is a bit hard to read, but you get the gyst. Looks like he was baptised the next day with the…