
Madonna painting in Nagaszyn church (c) 2012 barefoot photos

To begin learning about the Lipas, I’ve compiled a bit about Marci Lipa’s family here. Marcin was my great-grandfather “Big Joe” Moraniec’s maternal grandfather.

To read a little bit about Big Joe’s mother, Katarzyna Lipa, daughter of Marcin and Barbara Janora, wife of Mateusz Moraniec, jump to this page.

One response to “Lipa”

  1. Thank you for the information. I believe that Michael Lipa is buried in Mt. Olivet cemetery in Detroit. I know of no Greenwood cemetary. I assume that he was a black sheep. I think that I am correct in saying that Auntie Annie (Anna Lapinski nee Lipa) took on the responsibility of burying him since, as she said: “He was my brother.” No one is left to check with. I remember washing dishes for the visitors who came to her little house after the funeral for lunch. A man came reluctantly to the front door and knocked. He said that he was in town and saw the obituary and came because the deceasedl was his father. I believe it was Chester. He was greeted warmly, but he didn’t stay long. I tried to get away from the kitchen sink to see who everyone was talking about. They said that Michael had not been a faithful father or husband. Someone said something about “poor boy”.

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