Wojiech, whose name is synomous with Adelbert, and would be called George in America, was born 20 March, 1802 in Rybowo village in Grylewo Parish to Antony Dich and Anna Torpoteslisch (sp). The record is a bit hard to read, but you get the gyst. Looks like he was baptised the next day with the godparents being Jacobus Asamski and Marianna Rechowa from Konary, a village 4KM to the northeast of Rybowo.
Wojciech Dych of Rybowo and Francisca Nowak of Danaborz, my Great-Great-Great Grandparents, were married 20 December 1827, Lekno in Rybowo, Grylewo parish, Wagrowiec, Poland. The witnesses were Adelbert Lasecki and Veronica –last name I could not decipher. David Smytt was the officiant. They were both single.
The weird thing is, that I have a second record that dates the marriage on 8 Oct 1826. And the witnesses were Marcellus Jablonski and Laurentius Krause. If anyone can figure this out, I’d love to hear from you.
Francisca is Nowak (Nowaczek or Nowachanka on the marriage record) or, on other records is referred to as Piechowiak. Yes, the Polish names can be tough to decipher! Our genealogist, Lukasz, explained that Piechowiak may well be her mother’s maiden name and the family may be living on a farm they inherited that was her mother’s family farm, so the record keeper would refer to her as Piechowiak.
Francisca was born on 22 Sep 1803 in Danaborz to Joannes Nowak and Marianna Kujawa (my 4th great grandparents). Her godparents were Francis Moszynski and Michalina (last name undecipherable).
Wojiech was, in the early records, referred to as a FAMULUS, which meant servant or personal assistant and by 1830 as a CUSTOS or Keeper. This probably means that he was a sacristan, someone who prepared the church, the altar, and the priest’s vestments, etc. for the church in Danaborz. Probably how he met his wife from Danaborz.
They had a large family with many descendants:Tomasz b.1828 who marries first Apolonia Sass and then Antonina Dylikoski Szott, (see this family below)
Katarzyna who died as an infant,
Marianna b. 30 Nov. 1830 who marries Jozef Konewinski,
Agnes b. 11 Jan 1838 who marries Michael Nowicki ,
Jozef b. 19 Feb 1845 marries Klotylda Zamorska,
Anna marries Jozef Luszkowiak,
Helena b.1849 who marries Michael Rozmarynowski,
and then, of course, our Jan Dych born in 1844.
Here is a breakdown of Wojciech and Francisca’s children’s families:
Tomacz b. 20 Dec 1827 who married Appollonia Sass in Lekno in 1853 and they had (in Grylewo) Marianna b. 28 Nov 1854 marries Jan Jaroch in 1876 and I believe they emigrate to Milwaukee. Thomasz and Appolonia also had Michael who died as an infant.
Then on 11 Feb 1857 Thomasz married Antonina Dylikoska Szott. They had Walenty b.1859, marries Magdalena Czajkowska in 1884 Gollancz, in the Catholic parish of Margonin. Walenty changes his name to DICH, emigrates to Milwaukee and lives near Josef. They have five children: Joseph, Stanislawa, Katie, Casimir, and Andrew.
Andrej b. 4 Oct 1861 in Grylewo, marries Maria Revolinska b. 1866. They have Roman, Edmund, Alex, Joseph, Barbara, Emilia.
Wawryzniec Laurentius b. 1864 d, 1947 Grylewo marries Katarzyna Stachowiak in 1893 Grylewo who died in 1949 and is buried with Wawrzyniac,
Jozef b. 1867 marries Marianna Scheffler in 1892 Bygdoszcz and they emigrate to Milwaukee, raising 3 children, Frank, Alex, and Helen.
Thomas’ next child was a girl, Catherina b. 2 Oct 1869, Grylewo.
Rosalia b. 29 Aug 1874, marries Andreas Szudrowitz in 1895 Grylewo,
Jozefa b. 3 Mar 1877 marries Michael Szudrowitz in 1901 Grylewo and they emigrate to Milwaukee WI USA where they raise 6 children: Casimir “Harry” b.1902, Helen D. b. 1904, Anna b. 1905, Joseph John b. 1910, John Anthony b. 1916, and Jerome Robert b. 1921. On 23andme, I am a dna cousin match for Daniel Pagel, a descendant of this line.
and Michael b. 19 Aug 1879 and Fransiszka, died at 2 years old.
Next was Jan’s sis Marianna b. 30 Nov. 1830 Danaborz who marries Jozef Konewinski in 1852. They have a daughter Katarzyna in 1853. She married Jan Jaroch and they had Francsizak in 1877. Son Macieg was born 1857 and died 1937.
Jan’s sis Katarzyna was born in 1832 and died in 1833, Danaborz.
Jan’s sis Anna b.1833, married Jozef Luszkowiak in 1858 in Grylewo and had a daughter Marianna in 1860, Jan b. 1863, , Franciscus b. 1866, Walenty b. 1868, and another daughter, Catharina b. 1872 in Grylewo.
Jan’s sis, Agnes b. 11 Jan 1838 who marries Michael Nowicki on 11Oct 1863 in Grylewo. They have Ignacy b.1864, Marianna b.1866, Stanislaus b.1868, and Michael b. 1870.
Jan’s younger bro, Jozef b. 19 Feb 1845 (one year after Jan’s birth!) marries on 24 Sep 1864 Klotylda Zaworska in Grylewo. They had Josephina b.1865-1927 who married Alex Schmidke, and they have Frank in 1888,
Martha 1891, Anna 1893, Clara 1896 who marries Joseph James Blavatt, Theresa in 1891, Helen in 1903 who marries Charles Anthony DeCarlo, and Mary in 1905.
Jozef’s daughter Marianna b. 1867, Catharina b. 1868, Katie b. 1869 who marries Jozef Buschke in 1891 (and they have Eddie, Walter, and Elsie), Francisca b. 1871-1883,and Stan b. 1878.
Jan’s sis Helena b.1849 married Michael Rozmarynowski on 7 Aug 1870 in Grylewo and had Marianna b.1871-d.1872, Antonina b. 1873, Josepha b.1874, Michalina b. 1876, and Jozef b. 1878. These are Helen Suber’s 1st cousins 4 times removed.
Wojiech Dych died at 68 years old on 7 March 1870 in Grylewo. The death record lists his children and their ages at the time of his death:Thomas (46) Anna (33) Josef (30) Someone I can’t decipher is 28, Jan (26) Helena (21).
Francisca Nowak Dych at 70 years of age, died 6 April 1879 in Laskownica, Grylewo, Poland. She was buried 3 days later.
We’d love to hear from you cousins, if you are related to any of these families!
Editor’s NOTE: a Huge Dziękuję Ci to cousin Lisa Stachowiak Morgan for sending a copy of the Grylewo films to me. This was a true act o genealogical kindness!
9 responses to “Wojciech Dych and Francisca Nowak”
Terrific website! I’m glad I came across it. Thank you for sharing these stories.
I have been researching my family’s roots for about 6 months now, and just came across your site last night. My relation to you is through the Dych side of your family. My specific line is through Jan’s younger brother, Jozef, and his son Stanislaus (Stanley). As you know, Jan and Jozef settled in the same area of Detroit in the late 1800s. I have a great deal of information on both Jozef and Stanley. If you’re curious, I’d be more than happy to fill you in on the details of that branch of the family. I also wanted to let you know that I am currrently digging through and restoring old family photos. So far I have nothing earlier than Stanely, but if I locate a photo of Jan I will certainly contact you again and would be more than happy to send you a copy.
Finally, a quick request. You listed a specific birth date and marriage date for Joseph on the “wojciech-dych-and-francisca-piechowiak” section of your website. Might I ask you the source of that information? Did that come from records you located in Poland, or some other document? And do you happen to have a copy of those records? If so, I would gladly pay to have them copied and sent to me. But even if not, I would very much appreciate knowing where that information came from.
Ok, enough for now. Thank you for reviewing my comment. And please feel free to contact me through the email listed above.
Best regards,
Scott Paxton
Scott, So glad you found us, cousin
I have been checking my photos from the LDS. So far found the marriage record and will send that via gmail to your email.
If you do not receive it, please email carolyngrady at gmail.
Have not gotten to my Polish records, but am heading there next.
Very happy to share and look forward to hearing from you again.
PS we are not such distant relations after all.
Depending upon your actual generation, we are 3rd or 4th cousins.
Interesting article, because I found the name of the mother of my grandfather.
Her is name is Antonina Dych (also spelled Dech), married in 1888 to Stanislaw Wronski, got a son Wlodzimierz Wronski in 1892 in Kielce and she died in 1903 in Warsaw.
Could this be the same Antonina?
Carolyn, What a great site and a wealth of information on Anna Dych Luczkowiak wife of Josef. I do have more info on her family in Milwaukee. Now I see that my great aunt got the name Thomas as the father wrong and probably heard them talking about the brother. At least that is my theory. Thanks again Joy Szopinski and Kathy Waters.
Are you talking about Antonina Szott, who married Thomas (Yornab) Dych in Grylewo 1857? She died in Rybowo. If you are talking of someone else, please write again.
I am a little confused with the text. Is this the correct break down of the Dych descendants? Specifically Thomasz Dych’s descendants? Thank you for all of this research!!
1. Wojciech Dych
m. Francisca Nowak
2. Tomasz Dych (b. 20 Dec. 1828)
m. Apolonia Sass
3. Marianna Dych (b. 28 Nov. 1854)
m. Jan Jaroch
3. Michael Dych (d. infant)
m. Antonina Dylikoski Szott
3. Walenty Dich (b. 1859)
m. Magdalena Czajkowska
4. Joseph Dich
4. Stanislawa Dich
4. Katie Dich
4. Casimir Dich
4. Andrew Dich
3. Andrej Dich (b. 4 Oct. 1861)
m. Maria Rewolinska (b. 1866)
4. Roman Dich
4. Edmund Dich
4. Alex Dich
4. Joseph Dich
4. Barbara Dich
4. Emilia (Emily) Dich
m. Theodore Jankowski (my great grandparents!)
3. Wawryzneic Laurentius Dich (b. 1864 d. 1947)
m. Kararzyna Stachowiak
3. Jozef Dich (b. 1867)
m. Marianna Scheffler
4. Frank Dich
4. Alex Dich
4. Helen Dich
3. Catherina Dich (b. 1869)
3. Fransiszka Dich (d.)
3. Rosalia Dich (b. 1874)
m. Andreas Szudrowitz
3. Jozefa (b. 3 Mar. 1877)
m. Michael Szudrowitz
4. Casimir “Harry” (b. 1902)
4. Helen D. (b. 1904)
4. Anna (b. 1905)
4. Joseph John (b. 1910)
4. John Anthony (b.1916)
4. Jerome Robert (b. 1921)
3. Michael Dich (b. 19 August 1879)
2. Katarzyna (d. infant)
2. Marianna (b. 30 Nov. 1830)
m. Josef Konewinski
2. Agnes (b. 11 Jan. 1838)
m. Michael Nowicki
2. Anna
m. Jozef Luskowiak
2. Jan Dych (b. 1844)
2. Helena (b. 1849)
m. Michael Rozmarynowsk
Christine, Sorry it has taken me so long to reply…I have been slowly going through all of the Dych records to recheck them. I found your tree on ancestry… and I am wondering if you have a marriage, death or other record that lists Emily Dych Jankowkski’s parents? I had listed that she never married, but do not know where that info came from. Ther may have been an earlier Emily born to this family.
Would you mind dropping me a line at carolyngrady at gmail dot com?
Thank you. ..and nice to “meet” you, cuz
Hi there Carolyn- It looks like I had not commented on here before and not sure if I made contact in the past or not. I just came across this page bookmarked in my internet browser and I have the information loaded into my family tree. Now I am trying to work back some of the links and see why it is I thought this was a connection!
In my tree, I show Maria (Rewolinska) Dych being the sister of my 2nd Great Grandfather John Revelinski. John Revelinski was born 27 Sep 1868 in either Poland or Milwaukee (records conflict on this). I had finally made one breakthrough where I found that his parents were Johann Rewolinski and Katarina Ortschukowska. Again, I need to go back and look at all of this again since it has been a while, but I wanted to reach out to make contact and see where we can go from here. My email address is kenkoziol@yahoo.com. Thanks!
One follow-up, I did find one of the connections that is confirmed. Andrew Dych-Maria Rewolinska, Edmund Dich (1897-1965), Roman Dich (1921-1975), Melvin Dich.
I have Melvin Dich in my DNA matches so I have confirmed the connection. Tried contacting but never got a reply. Maybe you know who this is?