The Family of Adelbert Moraniec and Margaretha Wojtovicz
FAMILY OF ADELBERT MORANIEC AND MARGARETHA House #15 Bobrowa Note: all children Baptized on the day of birth 1.Marianna b. 6 Dec 1837 (baptized same day) 2. Laurentius (Waerzyniec) 4 Aug 1839 (baptized same day) Midwife: Agnes Janora Godparents: Stanislaw Janora & Maria Lipa Death: Oct 1839 3. Mateusz “MAX” b.14 Sep 1841 Midwife: AJ …
Teresa Biedron Moraniec
TERESA BIEDRON MORANIEC Born in 1883 to Bartholomew Biedron and Teresa Grochowski (1862-7 Aug 1919 38 St Hedwig Detroit, buried 9 Aug 1919 Holy Cross Cemetery) in Glinik, Podkarpackie, Poland. Teresa’s grandparents were Stanislau and Mary Grochowski. She had a brother, named John Biedron (b. 1889 Austria) who married a Tekla Pajak (b. 1896…
Polish Landscape
Researching the Lasecki lines entailed a trip to the ancestral villages with a noted researcher. We met Lukasz in Poznan, a convenient rail stop from Warsaw. He was already waiting for us at the station. Wwe loaded into his SUV and then drove out of town. The fields of lavendar and golden fields of lemon…
Martin Lasecki
I don’t have a lot of information about my third great grandfather, Martin. I will collect what I do have on this page. It may all change as new documents come to light. First is a possible birth record : First marraige to Franciska Smyk: Second Marriage to Margarethe Polega in…
Descendents of Wojiech Garbacik and Marianna Lopatkiewicz
This is a work in progress of four generations. Please inform me of any mistakes, or additions that you know of. I already see a mistake in one line….oy! I am publishing it anyway because you can get the idea at least. Once I get this staightened out, it would be nice to have Wojuec’s…
Priscilla Lasecki Kieber — marriage
7 AUGUST 1948 MARRIAGE to Robert John Kieber Robert and Priscilla married at St. Mary’s Chapel in Ann Arbor where Bob had been active in the Newman Center and Hank Klauke (soon to be Uncle Hank when he married Gladys) was President. The happy couple embarked upon a honeymoon in the Adirondack Mountains, including…
Antoni Dych
Antoni Dych, my 4th Great Grandfather and his wife Anna Torpilosevich (sp?) werre born about 1760, probably in Rybowo, Grylewo Parish. I am still searching the scans of the records from Rybowo and will update as I find records. I’ve been able to find this information largely from the copy of the records that Lisa…
Wisconsin Dychs and Laseckis
Another puzzle. We are definitely related — the DNA tells us so — but HOW? It seems that Frank A. Lasecki sn. was one of the emigrants. Related posts: Dunkirk NY and Wisconsin Laseckis Polish surnames The Garbacik- Moraniec – Biedron Connection Lasecki Land, day two Descendents of Andrej Lasecki & Franciska Rozmarynowska Michalina Dych…
Priscilla Helen Lasecki — early life
What was happening in the world at the time of Priscilla’s birth? The Irish Free State came into existence and months later, the Irish Civil War began, Warren G. Harding is president of the U.S., Egypt begins self-government as UK releases its protectorate, Joseph Stalin gains power in the Soviet Communist Party and the Union…
Dunkirk NY and Wisconsin Laseckis
The Wisconsin Laseckis are definitely cousins. We know this because there are several who show up as 4th cousins via dna. The problem is, we don’t know how the first WI Lasecki, Valentine is related. For instance, Jodi Dosman descends from Herman Lasecki, a son I beiieve, of Walenty/ Valentine. Valentine was b. 1852, which…
Lekno photos
Related posts: BLOG Hello cousins–this is our site! Antoni Lasecki Descendents of Andrej Lasecki & Franciska Rozmarynowska Polish surnames Lasecki Land! The Garbacik- Moraniec – Biedron Connection Priscilla Lasecki’s Paternal Ancestors Dunkirk NY and Wisconsin Laseckis Priscilla Helen Lasecki — early life Wisconsin Dychs and Laseckis Antoni Dych Priscilla Lasecki Kieber — marriage Martin…
Priscilla Lasecki’s Paternal Ancestors
Priscilla Lasecki b. 1922 Detroit MI d. 2010 Wilmington NC daughter of Walter Casimir Łasecki b. 1894 Detroit d. 1960 North Branch, MI and Helen Josephine Moraniec b. 1896 Detroit d. 1976 Locust, NJ Walter, son of Anthony Łasecki b. 1866 Grylewo, Wagrowiec, Poland d. 1923 Louisville, KY and Michalina Dych b. 1872 Grylewo d. 1955 Detroit.…
Andrej Łasecki
Andrej (Andreas, Andrew) Łasecki was one of the eldest children of my 4th Great-Grandparents, Martin Łasecki and Franciska Szymanska (sp Smyczonka on marriage record on Poznan Project). Born about 1820, in the Wagrowiec area. He was a day-laborer or a servant at various times. I surmise that since he moved so often, he owned next to nothing and was hired on…
Helen Moraniec Lasecki
HELEN MORANIEC LASECKI Helen Josephine Moraniec (Gramma, or Babcia)was born 17 September 1896 in Detroit Michigan to Jozefa Garbaczyk and Jozef Moraniec. She was baptized Helena on the 20th of September in St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church by Rev. R.J. Byzewski. The godparents were Jacub Blycharski and Francis Kobak. Her first name came…
The Garbacik- Moraniec – Biedron Connection
Here’s the connection as we know it today: Tomasz Grochowski marrries Marianna Garbacik b. abt. 1830- 1840. They have a daughter, Theresa Grochowski b. abt. 1857 -1862 (different records list different birth dates). in Glinik Polski. Teresa marries Marcin Garbacik son of Antoni and Sophia Faber. We have no ther information about Marcin. Teresa marries…
The Moraniec and Garbaczyk Homeland, day three
Continuing our tour, on Day Two, we arrived at the parish office in Nagoszyn for our appointment with the assistant pastor at 7 PM. There was a slim window when the clergy would be available to answer questions, counsel parishioners and in our case, assist research. Our work would now focus on the Moraniec – Lipa…
The Moraniec and Garbacik homeland, Day Two
This day would prove to be my most exciting day in Poland, though I didn’t figure that when we began since we’d decided to focus on our thorniest problem, the Garbaczyks. I still did not know the village of origin and did not believe we’d be able to figure it out in such a short period…
The Moraniec and Garbacik Homeland
This tour, culminating our three week Poland escapade, rocked my previous genealogical knowledge straight out of the family history boat! Iwona Dakiniewicz, genealogist and tour guide extraordinaire, led Rebecca and me through the hills and dales of our matrilineal homeland. As a woman, my genetic load tilts more heavily on the mitochondrial line, the lineage…
Lasecki Land, day three
On day three of our adventure, we toured the Wagrowiec church and town before heading to the civil archives in Gniezno. Stop #1 Church of the Assumption– Our first stop was down the street from the hotel! Beginning in 1830 when the…
Hunting for Jan Dych’s grave
Looking for Rebecca’s great-great-great grandfather, Jan Dych‘s grave at the Sweetest Heart of Mary Cemetery in the summer of 2010 was an amazing adventure! Cousin Jann provided assistance not only in finding the grave and several cemeteries, but was a joy to meet. The caretaker of the cemetery, sexton Duane Anders, was incredibly generous with his…